Adding users to a Google Drive folder permissions

Creation date: 6/28/2022 8:46 AM    Updated: 6/28/2022 8:46 AM   access cloud google drive sharing
Navigate to where you can see the Google Drive folder you wish to modify the permissions for in the main window.

Right-click on the folder you wish to share (1) and select "Share" (2).

In the window that pops up, enter the email address(es) you wish to add (1). Make sure to select the appropriate access level for the users you are adding (2). Then click the "Send" button.

NOTE: if you want to add several folks with different access levels, you will need to add them in groups BY access level. 

If you receive this message:

it means that at least one of the people you were trying to add gave you an email address that doesn't have an associated Google account. You will need to ask them to give you an email address that DOES have a google account associated with it.